Thursday, April 27, 2017

Planning the Optical-Path-Shared MSP

Capabilities of Supporting the Optical-Path-Shared MSP

When planning the optical-path-shared MSP for Huawei OptiX OSN 2500, first consider the
capabilities of supporting the optical-path-shared MSP.
In the case of the optical-path-shared MSP, one optical interface can be configured into two
MSP groups. Thus, multiple MSP rings can share the same fiber and optical interface.
The OptiX OSN 2500 supports the configuration of the optical-path-shared MSP.
l The SF16 and SL16 boards can process two sets of K bytes, which are located in the first
and fifth STM-1s. The SF16 and Huawei SL16 boards support configuring a single optical interface
into a maximum of two MSP rings.

Planning Principles

To rationally and effectively plan the optical-path-shared MSP protection, the planning
principles should be followed.

In normal situations, in the case of the optical-path-shared MSP, two low-rate line units share
the same high-rate line unit.
In the optical-path-shared MSP, two line STM-16 units at the same rate can share the same line unit.
When the optical-path-shared MSP is configured, on the protection ring, the optical interfaces
in two directions need not be configured into paired slots.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

How to enable FTP server on WIN2000 Server?

Issue Description

Q:How to enable FTP server on WIN2000 Server?

Alarm Information
Handling Process
First, since FTP depends on Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), you must first make sure that IIS is installed or not. If yes, then skip the following part otherwise install it as follows.
I. Installing Internet Information Services
1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
2. In Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs.
3. Select Add/Remove Windows Components.
4. In the Windows Components Wizard, select Internet Information Services (IIS), and then click Details.
5. Select Common Files, Documentation, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Server, and Internet Information Services Snap-In, and then click OK.
6. Click Next.
7. If you are prompted to configure Terminal Services, click Next.
8. If you are prompted for a path for a FTP root folder, type a suitable folder path. The default is C:\Inetpub\Ftproot. For additional security, an NTFS drive is preferred. Click OK to continue.
9. When you are prompted, insert the Windows 2000 CD or provide a path to the location of the files, and then click OK.
10. Click Finish.

Second, IIS and the FTP service are now installed, but you must configure the FTP service before you can use it.
II. Configuring the FTP service
1. Click Start, click Programs, click Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Services Manager. (In Windows 2000 Professional, you can access Administrative Tools from Control Panel.)
2. Click the plus sign (+) next to the server name.
3. Right-click Default FTP Site and then click Properties.

4. Click the Security Accounts tab. 
5. Select Allow Anonymous Connections, and then select Allow Only Anonymous Connections.

Note Set appropriate NTFS permissions for the Internet Guest Account. To reduce security issues, consider using Basic Authentication on the FTP site. To do this, clear the Allow Anonymous Connections check box. When you do this, users must log on by using a user name and password that correspond to a valid Windows user account. 
6. Click the Home Directory tab. 
7. Select Read and Log Visits, and clear write. 
8. Click OK to save these settings.

Finally, the server is now configured to accept incoming FTP requests. The files that you want to make available should now be copied into the folder for access.

III. Testing your FTP site
To test the FTP connection from a command prompt:
1.Open a command prompt.
2.Type ftp local host.
3.Type Anonymous for the user.
4.Type your e-mail address for the password.
Or, test the FTP connection from a Web browser:
1.Open up Internet Explorer. 
2.Type ftp://localhost.

Root Cause


The most popular Huawei S2700EI switch as below:


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Huawei MA5800 Configuring Alarms

Alarm management on Huawei MA5800 includes the following functions: alarm record, and alarm setting. These functions help you to maintain the device and ensure that the device works efficiently.


An alarm refers to the notification of the system after a fault is detected. After an alarm is
generated, the system broadcasts the alarm to the terminals, mainly including the NMS and
command line interface (CLI) terminals.
Alarms are classified into fault alarm and recovery alarm. After a fault alarm is generated at a
certain time, the fault alarm lasts till the fault is rectified to clear the alarm.
You can modify the alarm settings according to your requirements. The settings are alarm
severity, alarm output mode through the CLI.
When managing alarms on the GUI through the NMS, you can set filtering criteria to mask
unimportant alarms and events. Such filtering function facilitates the focus of the important

alarms and eliminates the load of the NMS.


Clear alarms.
You can run the alarm active clear command to clear the alarms that are not recovered
in the system.
– When an active alarm lasts a long time, you can run this command to clear the
– Before clearing an alarm, you can run the display alarm active command to query
the currently active alarms.
l Configure alarm level.
Run the alarm alarmlevel command to configure the alarm level.
– Alarm levels are critical, major, minor, and warning.
– Parameter default indicates restoring the alarm level to the default setting.
– You can run the display alarm list command to query the alarm level.
– The system specifies the default (also recommended) alarm level for each alarm.

Use the default alarm level unless otherwise required.
Configure alarm jitter-proof.
Run the alarm jitter-proof command to configure the alarm jitter-proof function and the
jitter-proof period.
– To prevent a fault alarm and its recovery alarm from being displayed frequently,
you can enable the alarm jitter-proof function to filter alarms in the system.
– After the alarm jitter-proof function is enabled, the alarm in the system is not
reported to the NMS immediately but is reported to the NMS after an alarm jitterproof
– If an alarm is recovered in an alarm jitter-proof period, the alarm is not reported to
the NMS.
– You can run the display alarm jitter-proof command to check whether the alarm
jitter-proof function is enabled and whether the alarm jitter-proof period is set.
– By default, the alarm jitter-proof function is disabled. You can determine whether to
enable the function according to the running of the device.
l Set or shield the output of alarms.
Run the (undo) alarm output command to set or shield the output of alarms to the CLI
– Setting the output mode of alarms does not affect the generating of alarms. The
alarms generated by the system are still recorded. You can run the display alarm
history command to query the alarms that are shielded.
– When the new output mode of an alarm conflicts with the previous mode, the new
output mode takes effect.
– The output mode of the recovery alarm is the same as the output mode of the fault
alarm. When the output mode of the fault alarm is set, the system automatically
synchronizes the output mode of its recovery alarm. The reverse is also applicable.
Filter alarms reporting to NMS.
Run the trap filter alarm condition command to filter alarms that the device reports to
the NMS through traps.
The filtering criteria can be alarm ID, alarm severity, alarm type, subrack ID, subrack ID/
slot ID, subrack ID/slot ID/port ID, VLAN interface, and NE.
To reduce alarms and avoid alarm storms, the system does not send alarms of some
Huawei ONT to the NMS. To query the filtering criteria of alarms and events in the system, run
the display trap filter command.
l Query alarm configuration.
Run the display alarm configuration command to query the alarm configuration
according to the alarm ID. The alarm configuration that you can query includes the alarm
ID, alarm name, alarm class, alarm type, alarm level, default alarm level, number of
parameters, CLI output flag, conversion flag, and detailed alarm description.
(Optional) Configure alarm policy for ONT.
In Huawei FTTH scenarios, you can configure the ONT alarm policy profile to configure alarms
for different service policies.

How to Deal with the Dark Screen of a Monitor After Restarting the System?

Issue Description
How to Deal with the Dark Screen of a Monitor After Restarting the System?
Alarm Information
Handling Process
I. Check the terminal output equipment
Through the serial port remote terminal, log in to the server. Perform the following operations in the status of OK:
1.OK printenv
Check the following two lines in the output environmental parameters:
output-device screen, rsc-console screen
input-device keyboard, rsc-console keyboard
Remark: The preferred input and output equipment at starting is the monitor connected with the 
 2. OK power-off
Switch off the power supply,and remove the power plug and the serial port connection wire. Plug in and pull out the plugs of mouse, keyboard and monitor to ensure good contact. Plug in the power supply, restart the server. If dark screen still persists, operate as follows:
II. Modify the terminal output equipment
In the remote terminal mode, run the following commands to force the output as monitor.
OK setenv output-device screen
OK setenv input-device   keyboard
OK power-off
Switch off the server, and remove the serial port wire. Plug in and pull out the plugs of mouse, keyboard and monitor, and at the same time check the key's position of the chassis panel to ensure that it is at the position of 12 o’clock.
After restarting, dark screen shall disappear. If it does not work, change for another monitor.

Root Cause
Generally, the reason is the incorrect setting of system environmental parameter and the connection failure of keyboard and mouse.
Telephone: 852-30623083

Sunday, April 23, 2017

What are the highlights of Huawei MA5800?

Smooth evolution to 40G/100G

The maximum bandwidth per service slotreaches 200 Gbit/s at the most, which supports the non-convergence access of 10G PON ports and supports 40G/100G PON boards in the future. Huawei MA5800 can smoothly evolve to 40G/100G PON without replacing subracks, which protects carriers' investments.

  • PON access: GPON, 10G PON
  • Upstream port: 2 x 100GE or 20 x 10GE/GE

Multi-service virtualized platform

One physical OLT is virtualized to multiple Huawei OLTs. All these virtualized OLTs can be separately configured and managed so that multiple services are carried over the same network.

  • Multiple OLTs are combined into one, saving CO equipment room space.
  • Software and hardware resources are isolated, assuring security and reliability.
  • Domain-based management, making easy maintenance.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

How to create personal topology view in U2000?

Issue Description

In T2000 customers had possibility to change topology position and coordinates of all NEs based on their needs. Each user could save personal topology view.
After U2000 installation (V100R003C00) it was impossible to save different topology for different user.
Alarm Information
Handling Process
To create custom view you need:
1. In U2000 main window chose View->create->view

2. Input custom view name, press "Topology" button and choose subnets or NEs you need (press right mouse button to choose needed NE or subnet)
3. Press finish when you finished to chose, then press OK.

4. After view is created you can chose different views by browsing "Current view" menu
5. You can change position on NEs, subnets and save view according to your requiremets. also you can modify or delete views
Root Cause
Really, in U2000 one database with NEs coordinates is used, so if one user change position of some NE and save topology, other users also see this change after they refresh page or relogin. Somethimes customers are upset because of these changes.
So we propose to use personal view for each user.
Each user can manage up to 5 custom views. User can modify only his own custom views.
Personalization of topology view enhance operation and maintenance speed and convenience, however some features are not applicable for custom view and can be executed only from Physical Root (such as trail creation)

Telephone: 852-30623083

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Planning the 1+1 &1:N Linear MSP on Huawei Optix OSN2500

Capabilities of Supporting the 1+1 Linear MSP

When planning the 1+1 linear MSP for the OptiX OSN 2500, first consider the capabilities of
supporting the 1+1 linear MSP.
In the case of Huawei OptiX OSN 2500, the capabilities of supporting the 1+1 MSP are as follows:

  • The OptiX OSN 2500 supports the 1+1 MSP at the STM-64, STM-16, STM-4, and STM-1
  • levels.
  • An OptiX OSN 2500 system supports a maximum of 12 1+1 linear MSP groups.
  • The switching and bridging mode supports the single-ended and dual-ended switchings.
  • The switching revertive mode supports the revertive mode and non-revertive mode.
Planning Principles
To rationally and effectively plan the 1+1 linear MSP, the planning principles should be

Adhere to the following principles when planning the 1+1 linear MSP.

  • Do not use different optical interfaces on one multichannel optical interface board to form,1+1 protection group. Otherwise, the protection function is unavailable when the board fails.
  • The switching and bridging mode should be set to the single-ended switching.The switching revertive mode should be set to the non-revertive mode.
  • It is recommended that you set the B2_SD as the trigger condition of the linear MSP ring protection switching.
Capabilities of Supporting the 1:N Linear MSP
When planning the 1:N linear MSP for the OptiX OSN 2500, first consider the capabilities of
supporting the 1:N linear MSP.
The OptiX OSN 2500 supports the 1:N linear MSP at the following levels:

  • 1:N (1≤N≤14) linear MSP at the STM-16 level
  • 1:N (1≤N≤14) linear MSP at the STM-4 level
  • 1:N (1≤N≤14) linear MSP at the STM-1 level

In the case of the OptiX OSN 2500, the capabilities of supporting the 1:N linear MSP are as

  • An OptiX OSN 2500 system supports a maximum of 12 1:N linear MSP groups.
  • The switching and bridging mode is the dual-ended switching.
  • The switching revertive mode is the revertive.
Planning Principles
Adhere to the following principles when planning the 1:N linear MSP.

  • Do not use different optical/electrical interfaces on the same multichannel optical/electrical interface board to form a 1:N protection group. Otherwise, the protection function is unavailable when the board fails.
  • In the 1:N protection scheme, the protection route can carry extra services, but the extra services cannot be protected.
  • It is recommended that you set the WTR time of the linear MSP ring to 600s.
  • It is recommended that you set the B2_SD as the trigger condition of the linear MSP ring protection switching.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Why I failed to Enable the CAU Function of the U2000 on my Computer?

Issue Description

I bought a Huawei MA5683T configure with one GPFD  C+, when I install U2000 server on computer, the U2000 client is installed remotely by using the computer according to the installation guide. After http://server IP address:8080/cau is entered in the address box, the web page cannot be displayed. The web page for client installation cannot be displayed on the local server, either. 
Alarm Information
The page cannot be displayed. 
The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. 
Handling Process
Check and confirm that the following conditions are met according to the installation guide. 
The default browser of Windows OS is Internet Explorer 6.0 or 7.0, and the proxy server is not set.
2. The U2000 server and CAU process are started up in the normal state. 
The U2000 server successfully communicates with the U2000 client and the bidirectional server-client ping operation is successful.
4. The port (port ID: 8080) on the U2000 server for installing the U2000 client in the network mode is enabled.
5. If the U2000 client has been installed in the network mode previously, uninstall the U2000 client and ensure that the .cau file in the %USERPROFILE% directory (such as C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator) is deleted. 
6. In addition to meeting the requirement for installation partition sizes, at least 900 MB space is available in disk C for data buffer. 
The CAU function, however, is still disabled. With the assistance of R&D engineers, it is confirmed that the CAU function is disabled by default when the U2000 is installed on a computer with smaller than 3 GB memory. Under this condition, the CAU function can be enabled only manually. To manually enable the CAU function, copy all files in the U2000\common\Tomcat\webapps\not_support\cau directory to the U2000\common\Tomcat\webapps\cau directory without restarting the system. Then, the CAU function is enabled immediately. 
Root Cause
The possible cause is that the port is being used or the CAU function is disabled. 
It is recommended that the limitation should be described in the installation guide. Engineers will encounter this problem after installing the U2000 because the computer memory of Huawei is smaller than 2 GB. 

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Huawei MA5800 Stand-Alone Commissioning

After the hardware installation, a stand-alone MA5800 should be commissioned to ensure that the stand-alone Huawei OLT MA5800 works in the normal state. The following recommended commissioning tasks and sequences are for reference only. Different offices have different conditions; therefore, it is recommended that customers, with the assistance of our engineers, modify commissioning tasks according to actual requirements.

Powering On the Device
This topic describes how to power on the device to ensure that all the boards can be normally powered on.

The after-installation check and the power-on check must be performed on the device.

There are two kinds of devices: the indoor device and the outdoor device.
− Powering on the indoor device
1. Connect the input power supply of the DC PDU.
2. Turn on the output control switch of the DC PDU.
− Powering on the outdoor device
1. Connect the input power supply of the AC PDU.
2. Turn on the output control switch of the AC PDU.
3. Turn on the output control switch of the power system.
4. Turn on the output control switch of the DC PDU.

The device can be normally powered on, and the STATUS indicator on the fan tray is on for 1s and off for 1s repeatedly, and so is the RUN ALM indicator on the board.

Commissioning the Power Supply System
This topic describes how to commission the power supply to ensure the reliable and stable power supply provided for the device.

Only Huawei MA5800 supports this operation.
The two independent power supplies of the DC power distribution unit (PDU) supply power to the cabinet concurrently.
Step 1 Disconnect the first power supply, and check the power supply of the cabinet.
Step 2 Restore the first power supply to power the cabinet.
Step 3 Disconnect the second power supply, and check the power supply of the cabinet.
Step 4 Restore the second power supply to power the cabinet

Step 1 Turn off the switch on the PDU that corresponds to one power board, and check the power supply for the service board.
Step 2 Turn on the switch again.
Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 to check the other power board.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Situation When Carry 10GE Traffic On OSN3500

Now more and more 10GE level transmission requirement, the traditional way, also the only way is to use EAS2 board to access 10GE traffic from Router, and Cross-Connect to STM-64 line board to transit out, the problem for this solution is, too high cost the EAS2 board is.
Now another way is, upgrade your Huawei OSN3500 to hybrid version, add another package domain to access and transit data service, picture as below:
How it works
A unified network for 2G/3G/leased line etc,  including Huawei SDH/PDH, ATM/IMA or Eth transport,
Single Team Management.
Just One kind of box with different service boards for various application, Continually Saving Opex

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Decrease of 4 GB Available Physical Memory Caused by Poor Contact Between Memory Modules and Slots in the T5220

Issue Description
The U2000 HA system is used in a project and the hardware configuration of the server is as 
Sun T5220 Single, 4 core CPU, 1.2 GHz, 8 GB memory (4 x 2 GB), 4 X 146 GB hard disks, 1 x 1000M NIC (4 ports), 1 monitor card
The available physical memory of the active server is only 4 GB during installation. The message "MB/CMP0/MCU0 is not configured" is displayed during the system self-test. 
Alarm Information
MB/CMP0/MCU0 is not configured.
Handling Process
1. Log in to the system in the serial port mode and run the showcomponent command. It is found that the MB/CMP0/MCU0 component is in the disabled state.
2. Run the following commands to change the status of the MB/CMP0/MCU0 component:
     SC>enablecomponent MB/CMP0/MCU0
3. The available physical memory of the active server is correct after the first restart. After the second restart, however, the available physical memory of the active server is incorrect.
4. Disassemble the active server. It is found that the memory module and the slot are in poor contact. Remove the memory module and reinsert it back to the slot, and restart the system. Then, the available physical memory of the active server becomes normal. 
Root Cause
Two memory modules are in poor contact with slots in the mother board. 

The most popular Huawei OLT as below:

MA5683T Platinum Line

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Deactivated Patch of UA5000 Causes N2000 BMS Power Monitoring Result Is Different from UA5000

Issue Description
UA5000 (MDU devices in Huawei FTTH/FTTC network) should be motoring environment and power alarms and send results to BMS. But AC power status in BMS was incorrect for one site, even UA5000 result normal. From attachment you can compare results at BMS and UA5000.
We implemented this monitoring process using following network scheme:
BMS<--->IP bear network<--->UA5000_PVM<--->PSD
BMS version is iManager N2000 BMS V200R008B02D061SP10
UA5000 PVM version is V100R013B02D072SP06
Alarm Information
BMS not generated alarm. But when query status of power, AC power status is abnormal. From attachment you can see screenshot of AC power status.
Handling Process
We tried following ways but they are no result.
1. Synchronization
2. Delete config for power monitoring and again reconfigured
PVMV100R013B02D072 'SP06' is dedicated for monitoring environment and power. We activated and runned correct patch. After that, the problem disappeared.
UA5000#patch activate all
UA5000#patch run all
UA5000#display patch all active
  Host version:               PVMV100R013
  Patch version:              PVMV100R013B02D072SP06
  Patch number:               6
  Number of formal patch:     6
  Number of temporary patch:  0
  Number of running patch:    6
  Number of actived patch:    0
  Number of deactived patch:  0
Root Cause
 This problem can be raised by following reasons:
1. AC power status is actually faulted

2. The recovery alarm not created by UA5000, bcause BMS can't clear the alarm automatically.
But AC power status of PSD is normal.
Also from log we not find any AC power down and recovered alarms.
While check UA5000 configuration data, we detected UA5000 latest patch was not activated and runned.
UA5000#display patch all active
  Host version:               PVMV100R013
  Patch version:              PVMV100R013B02D072SP06
  Patch number:               6
  Number of formal patch:     6
  Number of temporary patch:  0
  Number of running patch:    0
  Number of actived patch:    0
  Number of deactived patch:  6
During operation should be work carefully.
Also from log we not find any AC power down and recovered alarms.
Telephone: 852-30623083