Friday, March 31, 2017

Huawei MA5600T Multicast Feature Glance


Huawei MA5600T Multicast is group communication where data is addressed to a 
group of destination hosts simultaneously. Each multicast address represents a 
multicast group and all hosts in a multicast group can receive the same data. 
Multicast applies in IPTV, multimedia conferencing, and gaming services.

Reduces bandwidth overheads
Each link carries at most one copy of the same multicast data, maximally reducing 
bandwidth overheads.
Decreases load
Transmitting data in multicast mode decreases video server's and CPU's load and
does not significantly increase network's load even if the number of users increases.
Prolongs transmission distance
Multicast packets can be transmitted across network segments, implementation
long-distance transmission for large-scale data.
Prolongs transmission distance
Multicast packets can be transmitted across network segments,implementing
long-distance transmission for large-scale data.
Multicast applies in the following scenarios: FTTB/FTTC, Huawei FTTH, FTTO, 
as well as Huawei OLT user ports connecting to multicast users.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Fault calculation of performance instances because of U2000 license formula

Issue Description
A customer in an operator having U2000 with version V100R002C01SPC004, Patch U2000 V100R002C01CP2402.
the customer confirmed that his purchased license providing him 5400 performance instances for his devices to be added at Huawei U2000 but when he tries to add performance instances for some interfaces for NE40E, S8505 or any device, there is an error for the license limit for the performance instance, although the system U2000 shows that he was adding only 99 instances not 5400, so he is asking how the system does not want to add more instances while my license is 5400
Alarm Information
License limit for the performance instance
Handling Process
Checking Hedex & sent the table and the calculation formula to the customer to calculate the actual instances created at the U2000 and after calculation we found that his instances exceeded the limit of his license and he will upgrade it.
The formula is just like below:
Number of equivalent NEs in the IP domain> = (Number of IP NEs of type_I x Equivalent coefficient) + ... + (Number of IP NEs of type_n x Equivalent coefficient)
For example, there are 5 NE5000E (equivalent coefficient: 10), 200 S5300 (equivalent coefficient: 1.25), and 1000 CX200 (equivalent coefficient: 0.625). Then, you can calculate the number of equivalent NEs in the IP domain as follows:
Number of equivalent NEs in the IP domain = 5 x 10 + 200 x 1.25 + 1000 x 0.625 = 925
also you can find all the information at the attached documents.
Root Cause
After checking from Hedex , I found that there is a formula to calculate the actual instance that the U2000 calculate for each device .
which means that the total performance instance for the whole device is not equal to 1 but in 
other hand is equal to different number which based on a calculating formula which you can find at this case. which means that the 99 instances entered by the customer to the U2000 will not really equal to actual 99 instances at the U2000 but it may be more instances according to the based formula. The attached file showing the formula and description of how to calculate the actual instances at the U2000

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Do You Know MA5600T Series Networking Protection Feature?


Huawei access devices support comprehensive E2E networking protection solutions, which protect access devices, the network side,and the access side by rapidly switching services to the standby link in the event of a fault on the active link. This ensures stable service running and improves access network reliability.


1. Dual Control Boards,Supporting Upgrades Without Interrupting Services
2. ITU-T G.8032-compliant ERPS for Better Interoperability and Rapid Convergence,Meeting Ring Networking Protection Requirements
3. Two Intra- or Inter-Board STM-1 Ports Can Constitute a Protection Group for the TDM Service, Providing Board- or Port-Level Protection

GPON Type B and Type C Protection
Protects any two PON ports on Huawei OLT and ONUs do not need to register with the OLT again after link switching.
Supports automatic synchronization of configuration data on PON ports.
Protects enterprise and base station private line services.
Simplifies networking and OLT/ONU management.
Protects power systems as well as enterprise and base station private line services.
OLTs Huawei MA5683T MA5680T MA5608T can be located in different places.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Huawei OptiX OSN 2500 Supporting Tasks of Software Loopback

The SDH optical interface board, PDH electrical interface board, Ethernet interface board like Huawei EGS4  and ATM board all support outloop.
The SDH optical interface board like Huawei SLD64, PDH electrical interface board, Ethernet interface board and ATM board all support inloop

Loopback at an SDH Interface
You must be an NE user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.
To test whether the interface module and external cables of a board are normal, you need to set
an outloop.
To test whether the cross-connect unit and service path of the equipment are normal, you need
to set an inloop.
Impact on Services
In the case of non-protection, the loopback may interrupt the services or the communication
Step 1 In the Main Topology of the T2000, select the NE to be looped back.
Step 2 Right-click the NE icon in the Main Topology and select NE Explorer.
Step 3 Select the board from the Object Tree and select Configuration > SDH Interface from the
Function Tree.
Step 4 Select By Function. Select Optical (Electrical) Interface Loopback.
Step 5 Select the port and select the loopback mode Inloop or Outloop.
Step 6 Click Apply. The confirm dialog box is displayed. Click OK.
Step 7 The Operation Result dialog box is displayed and indicates that the operation is successful.
Click Close.
This article works for Huawei OptiX OSN 2500 (V100R008)

Deleting a fiber or cable returns Succeed Message but fiber or cable remains because of U2000 bug

Issue Description
In U2000 version V100R002C01SPC004, If you want to delete a fiber/cable, you go to the menu, select the fiber/cable and click in "Delete", the operation returns a message telling operation succeed, but you will be able to check that the fiber/cable remains in the menu.
If you try to search the fiber/cable in the Main Topology you will receive a Message telling: " The object is not found, The object does not exist".
If you try to create a new fiber/cable using this resource you will not be able because really the fiber/cable has not been deleted.
Alarm Information
Handling Process
If you can not delete a fiber/trail (although you receive a succeed message) and Huawei U2000 version is V100R002C01SPC004 you will have to install a new U2000 version to fix this bug.
Root Cause
This is a U2000 SW bug that is solved in further version like:

U2000V1R2C01SPC501 version and further solved this bug.

Telephone: 852-30623083

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Huawei FTTx Leased Line Solution

Copper Access for Business

EDTB board in Huawei OLT will be adopted, which can support 16 E1 ports and 16 G.SHDSL ports concurrently in one board;

100% inherit the legacy service, don’t need change customer premise equipment;

Application Scenarios:

EDTB is mainly applied for extending E1 coverage by transferring to G.SHDSL;

Both TDM G.SHDSL and E1 interface can support PBX access;

E1 for access and TDM PWE3 for uplink can also be applied;

Native TDM + TDM PWE3

Scenario description:
MA5612/MA5628 access enterprise with TDM E1 interface, and access to Huawei MA5600T with Native TDM mode;

MA5600T access to upper layer PSN network after encapsulating Native TDM to PWE3;

MA5600T or CX600 terminates the PWE3 back to Native TDM to other part of the enterprise.

Clock solution description:
OLT have two ways to get the clock source in this scenario:  Synch Eth  and BITS;

OLT deliver the clock signal to ONU through GPON line clock,  then ONU deliver clock to base station through synch eth or specified clock interface;

PW encapsulation is centralized in OLT, which simplify Huawei ONU function and reduce the total CAPEX;

High accuracy clock from BITS and synch eth can fully meet the base station requirement ;

Thursday, March 23, 2017

How to Troubleshoot the Pointer Justification on Huawei OptiX OSN 2500?

A pointer justification event means that some NEs are not completely synchronized in Huawei SDH
network equipment. If only a pointer justification event occurs, the services are not affected. To enhance
the transmission network stability, however, you need to find out the causes and eliminate the
pointer justification event.

Mechanism of Pointer Justification
Pointer justifications occur when the clocks between the NEs are not fully synchronized.
In an SDH network, there are two kinds of pointers: administrative unit pointer (AU-PTR) and
tributary unit pointer (TU-PTR). There are two corresponding pointer justifications, AU pointer
justification and TU pointer justification. The generation mechanism of these two kinds of
pointer justification is mostly the same. For details, see Chapter 1 "Generation of Alarm and
Performance" of Huawei OptiX OSN 2500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System Alarms and

Performance Events Reference.

Generation Mechanism of AU Pointer Justification
the E1 service between NE1 and NE6 passes through the intermediate NEs at
the VC-4 level. NE1 is the clock source, and the other NEs trace the clock signal of NE1
westwards. If the clocks of NEs 2 and 3 are not synchronous, the east optical board of NE2 and
the west optical board of NE3 generate the AU pointer justifications. These justifications may
cause the west optical boards of NEs 1, 4, 5 and 6 to generate pointer justifications.
If the clock of NE2 runs faster than that of NE3, the east optical board of NE2 executes the
AU positive pointer justification. At the same time, the west optical board of NE3 executes
the AU negative pointer justification.
If the clock of NE2 runs slower than that of NE3, the east optical board of NE2 executes
the AU negative pointer justification. At the same time, the west optical board of NE3

executes the AU positive pointer justification.
Detection Report of Pointer Justification
The location where AU pointers are generated and reported is different from that of TU pointers.
When a local station generates an AU pointer justification, it neither detect nor report the AU
pointer justification. Instead, this station transmits the pointer justification information to the
remote station through the H1 and H2 bytes. The remote station will report the event of the AU
pointer justification by interpreting the H1 and H2 bytes. Therefore, in remote detection mode,
if the remote station reports the AU pointer justification event, it means that the pointer

justification is generated in the local station.
Fault Locating Flow
The clock out-of-synchronization is the primary cause of pointer justification. Locate faults
mainly by handling problems related to the clocks. The fault should be located based on the
service direction, clock tracing direction, detection report location of pointer justification and

the generation location of pointer justification.

a: The first station refers to the station that first reports the pointer justification in the service direction, which is the same as the clock direction, that is, in the clock tracing direction.
b: The first station has no AU pointer justification, that is, it only has the TU pointer justification. You should handle the problem of TU pointer justification.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Is it really not possible to add a protection leg to an existing MSP 1 to N?

Issue Description
It is not possible to add a protection leg to an existing MSP 1:N.
Alarm Information
There is not any "modify button".
Handling Process
As it is not possible to modify, if you need to add a protection leg you have to delete the MSP 1:1 and then to recreate again adding the new leg to the protection.
Root Cause
MSP 1:N has been create in this way. You only can create and delete it.
If a MSP 1:N exist and you want to add other board, you have to delete the MSP and then create it again (including new board) instead of be able to add the board directly (customer has to spend more time deleting and creating again than if he would able to add directly but this function works in this way).

Telephone: 852-30623083

U2000 Product (V1R6C02) reports the “error” The matching NE Explorer is not found”, when I create new Huawei OSN 3500

Issue Description
The U2000 shows the “error dialog” The matching NE Explorer is not found ”, when I create new Huawei OSN 3500 on the U2000.
Alarm Information
The matching NE Explorer is not found
Handling Process

1 First, checking the license information, to see whether it supports the operation of creating Huawei OSN 3500. I found that the license is no problem. The license information like the below page:

2.   Second, checking the background process of U2000
       1). I found that all the process we can found through U2000 System monitor is normal.
       2). Then, I telnet to the U2000 server and reboot the server process
                 The command like below:
                       Switch to the destination path: cd /opt/OSSENGR/engineering
                       Stop the server:  ./
                       Start the server:  ./
                 Then I create the OSN 3500 again, but the problem still exist. The NE 

can’t be created.
        3). Lastly, I login in the U2000 NMS Maintenance
                     I compare the instance with my PC U2000 Server, I found that there is lack of NEMGR_SDH instance.
So, I deploy the deployment package and add the NEMGR_SDH instance.
The problem is resolved; I can create the OSN 3500 normally.
Root Cause
1 Maybe the license was not support the NE.
Maybe the related background process of U2000 did not start.
Maybe the deployment packages were not deployed


Thursday, March 9, 2017

What Is Required for the Front Panel Connection Cable in the Inter-ETHB-Board Aggregation?

Ethernet link aggregation feature principles and configuration and
maintenance guide for Huawei access products where Ethernet link aggregation can be applied,
providing a reference for network design, network entry tests, and network maintenance.

There are many questions about Aggregation on HUAWEI MA5680T MA5683T....

Q: What is required of the front panel connection cable in the inter-ETHB-board aggregation?
A: Run the display version backplane command to query the version information about the
backplane on the subrack. Whether the front panel connection cable is needed is determined by
the backplane version. The following backplanes do not need the front panel connection cable.

  • In Europe and China: MABO VER.B, MABC VER.B, MABH VER.C
  • In North America: MABF VER.C, MABV VER.A

Backplanes which are not in the above list need front panel connection cables.

The most popular Huawei S2700EI switch as below:


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

U2000WebLCT start normally but it does not login

Issue Description

It is necessary to do some test on a Huawei RTN620. It use the U2000WebLCTV100R005C00SPC400. The U2000WebLCT start normally, you enter the admin and password and when you try to login (click login) the windows closed itself.

Alarm Information

Handling Process
Copy the address which appear on the Internet Explorer when the U2000WebLCT is started (http://localhost:13002/weblct/page/login.html) and then open other internet navigator (like Mozilla Google chrome) and copy this address on this navigator. Then enter the U2000WebLCT user and password in this new page and you can login.

Root Cause
The U2000WebLCT use the internet navigator like an interface. It open in the internet navigator the laptop as configured that main internet navigator. In this case the U2000 WebLCT is open on a Internet Explorer 8. Its seem that U2000WebLCT does not support Internet Explorer 8.

Open the U2000WebLCT with Mozilla or Google Chrome interner navigator.

The most popular Huawei S2700EI switch as below:


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

U2000 installation can't be installed in the virtual

Issue Description
Product: U2000 Access
Version: V200R015C50SPC200
Customers try to install U2000 on a virtual server (virtual box, not VMware), but failed (errors as Msuite can't login, several process can't be stated....). so they want to know, with virtual box which OS they can use?
Alarm Information
errors as Msuite can't login, several process cannot be stated
Handling Process
AS we nenver test the virtual box (Not VMware), we can't promise the compatibility.
Please follow the below guide to prepare the hardware: See Planning->Software and Hardware ConfigurationPlanning->Hardware Configuration Planning for the NMS Server.
Root Cause
customer want to install the software on an uncertificated hardware cause the issue .
U2000 can be installed in VMware, but not support virtual box.
before installation, please follow the guide to prepare the hardware, if install the U2000 on a uncertificated hardware maybe will cause unknown problem.

Telephone: 852-30623083