It is necessary to do some test on a Huawei RTN620. It use the U2000WebLCTV100R005C00SPC400. The U2000WebLCT start normally, you enter the admin and password and when you try to login (click login) the windows closed itself.
Alarm Information
Handling Process
Copy the address which appear on the Internet Explorer when the U2000WebLCT is started (http://localhost:13002/weblct/page/login.html) and then open other internet navigator (like Mozilla Google chrome) and copy this address on this navigator. Then enter the U2000WebLCT user and password in this new page and you can login.
Root Cause
The U2000WebLCT use the internet navigator like an interface. It open in the internet navigator the laptop as configured that main internet navigator. In this case the U2000 WebLCT is open on a Internet Explorer 8. Its seem that U2000WebLCT does not support Internet Explorer 8.
Open the U2000WebLCT with Mozilla or Google Chrome interner navigator.
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